SNP Technologies Inc. Recognized Among Microsoft’s Top 200 U.S. Partners for 2016


June 2016

The Redmond Channel Partner magazine put a list together of the top 200 Microsoft Solution providers in the United States.

SNP Technologies has been recognized for its expertise and contributions in the Microsoft ecosystem! Being listed among the Top 200 Microsoft Solution Providers by Redmond Channel Partner (RCP) is a significant achievement, especially considering the large pool of Microsoft partners worldwide.

The RCP Top 200 list highlights companies based on various factors such as:

  1. NSP Designations (National Systems Partner).
  2. Membership in the defunct Microsoft National Systems Integrator program.
  3. Microsoft award wins at various levels.
  4. Strong access to Microsoft and its resources.

These companies demonstrate a strong commitment to Microsoft technology and are known for providing tailored solutions that deliver significant value to customers. The list categorizes companies geographically—by East, Central, West, National, and International presence—although, due to the rise of cloud computing, many of these companies serve clients on a global scale even from a single physical location.

Read the complete article here.